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- "account"
- "a business record"
- "The bank made a mistake and put"
- "extra money in my savings account."
- ""
- "Laura deposited all of her birthday"
- "money in her bank _______."
- ""
- "advice"
- "helpful guidance"
- "I need your advice about what I"
- "should wear to the costume party."
- ""
- "Carla always asked her friend for"
- "______ because she liked having a"
- "second opinion."
- "ambition"
- "a desire for success"
- "Greg has a lot of ambition; he wants"
- "to be the best architect in the"
- "United States."
- "The young woman's ________ is to"
- "be a famous movie star."
- ""
- "blunder"
- "a stupid mistake"
- "I made a blunder when I mistakenly"
- "called my teacher `Mom.`"
- ""
- "Cheryl really made a _______ when "
- "she ran up and hugged a stranger"
- "whom she thought was her father."
- "boldness"
- "courage"
- "Alexander the Great was famous for"
- "his boldness."
- ""
- "The girl's ________ is obvious; she"
- "is never afraid to speak up in class."
- ""
- "captivity"
- "being held against one's will"
- "* was caught and put in"
- "captivity in an underground cell."
- ""
- "The prisoners of war were overjoyed"
- "when they were finally released from"
- "_________."
- "clatter"
- "confused noise"
- "The clatter of the busy streets could"
- "be heard from our apartment."
- ""
- "Being from the country, I am not"
- "used to the _______ of the city."
- ""
- "column"
- "a pillar or post"
- "The Federal Building is supported"
- "mainly by one huge marble column."
- ""
- "At Stonehenge in England, each stone"
- "______ is built in a special position"
- "related to the sun, moon and stars."
- "complexion"
- "appearance of the skin"
- "Margaret has a beautiful clear"
- "complexion."
- ""
- "Alex has red cheeks and a very"
- "rosy __________."
- ""
- "confederation"
- "states joined together"
- "The United States is a confederation"
- "of 50 states."
- ""
- "The nations of Europe are not joined"
- "together in one large _____________."
- ""
- "cruelty"
- "unkind treatment"
- "His cruelty to animals is due to the"
- "fact that he is very young and"
- "doesn't know better."
- "This is not _______ or bad treatment,"
- "I am just trying to teach you a"
- "lesson."
- "deadline"
- "a time limit"
- "The deadline for turning in the "
- "report is January 8."
- ""
- "The toughest part of a newspaperman's"
- "job is meeting a story's ________."
- ""
- "distress"
- "trouble"
- "The woman tried to rescue her"
- "friend who was in distress."
- ""
- "That airplane must be in ________;"
- "I am picking up SOS signals."
- ""
- "effort"
- "an attempt to achieve"
- "He made an effort to study for the"
- "test."
- ""
- "Susan was praised because she made"
- "a great ______ to do well."
- ""
- "forgiveness"
- "being excused"
- "I appreciated his forgiveness,"
- "because I was truly sorry."
- ""
- "In Catholic churches people confess"
- "their sins and the priest grants"
- "___________."
- "grief"
- "sorrow"
- "The little boy suffered grief at"
- "the death of his dog."
- ""
- "The people at the funeral were full"
- "of _____ and sorrow over the loss"
- "of their friend."
- "luxury"
- "an unneeded comfort"
- "Alan's new Rolls-Royce is definitely"
- "a luxury; he could live without it."
- ""
- "Fancy clothes are a ______ that many"
- "people would like to enjoy."
- ""
- "motto"
- "a saying"
- "The Boy Scout motto is `Be prepared.`"
- ""
- ""
- "`Never give up` is my favorite _____."
- ""
- ""
- "opinion"
- "a belief"
- "The boy asked * for an "
- "opinion about which tennis racquet"
- "to purchase."
- "In my _______, school recesses"
- "should be longer."
- ""
- "pace"
- "a rate"
- "To win the marathon, the runner"
- "must maintain a very fast pace."
- ""
- "We will be late to dinner if we"
- "keep walking at this slow ____."
- ""
- "penalty"
- "a punishment"
- "The penalty for committing that"
- "crime is a long prison term."
- ""
- "In soccer, the _______ for illegal"
- "use of hands is a free kick."
- ""
- "replacement"
- "a substitute"
- "Susan wanted to take time off work,"
- "but she could not find a replacement."
- ""
- "The company will never be able to"
- "find a ___________ who works as well"
- "as she did."
- "suggestion"
- "a possible idea"
- "*'s suggestion to include "
- "everyone in the game is a very good"
- "idea."
- "I have no idea where to find a job;"
- "do you have a __________?"
- ""
- "threat"
- "possible harm"
- "The neighborhood is very safe; there"
- "is no threat of danger."
- ""
- "The new candidate is a ______ to"
- "the incumbent's chance of being"
- "elected to office again."
- "zone"
- "a definite area or space"
- "The Eastern time zone is three hours"
- "ahead of the Western Pacific zone."
- ""
- "Parking is illegal in a red ____."
- ""
- ""
- "The Eastern time zone is three hours"
- "ahead o